Pregnancy woes

I'm really not having much pregnancy woes just yet. Backache has just always been there from the first pregnancy. Constipation, heartburn.. Not too much. I think credit goes to the working out with Avril. When I was in my first pregnancy, I was the ultimate lazy. I sat around whole day in the office, come home and have dinner and go to bed straight at 8pm. That is maybe why she is such a good sleeper. 

Now, my only complain is, I can't sleep. 

God I can't sleep. 

I have trouble falling asleep at night, at my earliest, I go to bed at 1130pm. I wake up at 7am every morning and of late, I'm losing it at naps too. I fall asleep after turning and tossing for a good 20 mins, deep sleep for 20 mins and I'm done. Shit! I used to sleep through thunder storms and my highest clocked record was 16 hours of sleep! 

Even through the night when Avril is sound asleep, I wake up periodically, for nothing. I watch the clock and I go back to bed. What is wrong with me??!! 

I'm so deprived. I'm so tired mentally but I just can't go into deep slumber. On days where I skip my nap, I still can't go to bed early. I am telling myself its all because of the exam nerves and I am suffering from pangs of anxiety thus the crappy sleep cycle. I will monitor my sleep cycle after my exams again. Come on bub, you've got to start sleeping well now to sleep well in future like your jie jie ok? 

Now, go to bed. 


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