Some nights, I sit around thinking about my future, thinking about their future, wondering how would life be in 3 years, 10 years, 20 years down the road.
Then I tell myself, hey, don't sweat it. Take one step at a time, life's hectic enough, stop worrying.
I am so fortunate to have a husband who supports my choice to breast feed, accepts the way I parent my children and tells me that he rather I stay home to look after our children more then anything else in the world. It makes him feel safe. Oh yes, it makes me feel safe.. And complete.
Then I look at my children's sleeping faces and think about what we did today. We do the same thing everyday.
7am - Rise and shine, play with both kids
7.30am - Start preparing for school. I'll clean and change Jonah, feed him, change Avril.
8.15am - Leave house for breakfast with daddy and Avril. Jonah naps at home.
9am - Drop Avril off at playgroup
9.15am - I reach home and daddy goes off to work.
9.30am - Jonah wakes from his nap and I feed him, play with him.
11am - Jonah goes down for nap
11.15am - Leave house to pick Avril and have lunch with her.
12pm - Let Avril take her milk and nap
12.30pm - Feed Jonah and continue napping with him.
2pm - Rise and Shine. Feed Jonah, change both kids and play with both of them.
3.30pm - Let Jonah nap
4pm - Take Avril out for walk or do something with her.
4.45pm - Come home and feed Jonah
5.15pm - Feed Avril dinner while Jonah sits in rocker
5.45pm - Bath time for both children
6.30pm - Feed Jonah and nurse him to bed, story time for Avril and by 7.30pm,
I wind Avril down for bed. The latest she'd go down is by 8pm.
Jonah wakes for night feed 3 times a night but he feeds and sleep so that's not a problem.
The list above looks decent but if I insert the amount of crying, whining, NO I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS or WHERE ARE WE GOING? a million times within the list, that is not funny at all. Haha.
So I make myself better and give myself a pat on my shoulders. Good job, regardless of what happened throughout the day, good job, regardless of how others judge you when you had to carry a crying toddler because you refuse her biscuits at breakfast time. Good job for holding it all together even when it gets so hard and emotional. I'm not perfect but I think I did ok.
Life's really great with the kids.. It's so tiring but worth it.
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