Once upon a December

This year, I spent the last 2 hours of my birthday basking in the love of all my friends that matters and I'm very thankful that despite me wanting to let my birthday slide pass quietly this year, Papa J made such a big effort in putting all my favourite people in the world at the same place on my special day.  Feeling very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in my life.  Thank you all whether for the gifts or love showered upon me! :)

For those who have missed watching Avril grow up on this space.. Here goes!


A typical morning
Her first time riding Ryan the horse (gift from Mr Tay - Shareen's hubby, big thank you!)

Usually entertains herself this way while I'm preparing her food.  Each time I watch her do this, I am always laughing like a mad woman. Hahaha!
I'm sure you enjoy your holidays sweetheart!
Taiwan post coming soon, I promise!


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