Color my days

11 days has passed since I became a mom of two. 9 days cooped up at home and I'm almost going insane. Before I gave birth, I couldn't even stand staying home for two days straight, imagine my frustration! 

I can't believe I survived it the first time, oh but that was different, I didn't have a "I'm entering my terrible twos, I like tantrums now and I'm growing a crazy amount of teeth in my mouth" toddler whilst caring for an infant. Funny thing is, when I was doing my confinement the first time round, I suffered a mild case of post natal depression, this time round as I prepared myself for all sort of hormonal imbalance situation, it didn't happen, at least not yet, not now. I figured I'm just too occupied to be depressed. Haha. 

We had a good 15 minutes conversation with didi today about his shirt (it is a picture of the Beetles - so we broke out in "Hey Jude". She kisses Jonah all the time, so sweet to watch but it gets freaky when she gets TOO excited. 

I also attribute it to the fact that I am a whole lot more certain of what I want for my child/myself now and what I have to do in order to achieve that. Total breast feed, I wear long pants most of the time but long sleeve top? No way. Not in this weather anyway. I am just grateful my MIL prepares great food for me and she's not crazy about following the old aged traditions. 

Back to my boring crazy days at home.. Today I finally broke and decided that we will do something creative to kill time. 

I got my helper to make some home made edible finger paint so Avril can play safely with it. The recipe is as such: 

4 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 cup of corn flour (we didn't have it at home so we used normal flour, seem to work as well) 
3 cups cold water 
Food coloring (got Papa J to buy 6 bottles over the weekend) 

Stir sugar and flour together, while stiring, slowly add water and heat over medium heat until mixture thickens. It will thicken further when it cools. Divide into n amount if containers and add food coloring. 

It is safe even if they put it in their mouth so this can be an activity for babies as young as 6 months old! Gonna let Jonah start young! 

We were suppose to make hand prints and stick them on the paper plates but Avril is such a clean freak she yells at every mark and coloring that gets on her hands, she shrugs it off shortly but she refused to put paint on her whole hand so ok.... We used cotton buds as paintbrushes and a sponge to dab. It was pretty fun! 

Her solo art piece, the rest were done with help. 

I also learnt something new today! To get rid of finger paint on our body, use vinegar and baking soda! Works like magic! 


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