I've been waiting

I have great news to share today! Avril's first tooth has finally arrived! No wonder she has been giving me hell lately, ok Mama forgive you! I am excited like crazy because I've been waiting so long for her tooth to show. It's so cute!! It feels like a little rock on her gum when I put my finger in to touch it.

Ahh.. Another major milestone. My baby is no longer a baby.. 😞

I can hardly believe we're almost hitting a year since she arrived in this world. Time flies.. The past 10 months odd has been so rewarding and satisfying. I love being a mother. I love it when hugs me the first thing in the morning and before she goes to bed. I love it when we cuddle in silence, I love it when she's responding so well to things that I've taught her and that she's happy everyday.

My daughter is my best friend.

I struggled and finally took a not very clear picture of her first tooth.. Yay!!!!

Nope, she wasn't very pleased.

Also some major cuteness from last week to share:

Ice cream with Serena

Random cuteness of Avril

Swimming with Avril in a public pool - water too cold but she took it like a champ. She's not excited but at least she wasn't complaining and shivering like we were. Need to buy a new set of swim wear for my baby! She's growing out of her baby set!

Uncle Oli giving Avril a kiss!
They are so cute together but Avril is a big bully! We had such a great time watching them play. 😄


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